The Technical Hazards Unit (THU) covers three distinct programs for the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency: radiological emergency preparedness for Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS), statewide radiological material transportation; and the agency’s radiological equipment calibrations laboratory.cooper nuclear station

These programs work together to mitigate natural and man-made hazards and ensure an effective response if an incident were to occur. Radiological emergency preparedness (REP) involves planning, training and exercises for the area surrounding Nebraska’s sole nuclear power plant, CNS in Nemaha County. NEMA’s two REP specialists prepare the communities surrounding the nuclear power plant to respond to an incident involving the power plant. The majority of NEMA staff participate in the quarterly drills at the plant; annual evaluated and unevaluated exercises and various drill/exercise related training opportunities.

THU is also involved in the planning and training of local responders for a response to an accident involving radioactive materials crossing the state. THU maintains situational awareness of dates and routes of any radioactive waste shipments moving through the state. Members of THU participate in national and regional planning efforts regarding the shipment of radiological waste and spent nuclear fuel.

The radiological calibration laboratory calibrates and maintains radiological monitoring equipment.


The Radiological Calibration Specialist (RCS) is responsible for the quarterly operational checks of radiological equipment issued to emergency first responder agencies within the counties surrounding the nuclear power stations and for the annual calibration this equipment. The RCS is also responsible for the repair and calibration of equipment issued to emergency first responder agencies. In addition, the RSC maintains records of all operational checks and calibrations.


Nebraska Allowable Exposures for Emergency Workers in the Event of Nuclear Power Plant Incidents

Dosimeter Limits Activity
500 mR Call supervisor for further instructions. Dosimeter reading up to and including 500 mR allowed for emergency Worker assignments.
1 R Turn-back dose for Emergency Workers with no means of communication with supervisor. Dose allowed for assignments involving protection of valuable property.
2.5 R Dose allowed for assignments involving LIFESAVING protection of large populations.
mR - milliroentgen R - Roentgen 1000 mR = 1 R