Under FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) can help homeowners in Nebraska build residential safe rooms.

What Is A Safe Room?

A safe room is a room or structure designed and built to resist the high winds and flying debris generated by a tornado or high wind events. People who can shelter in a certified safe room during a tornado are more likely to escape injury or death.

How NEMA’s Residential Safe Room Program Can Help?

This program offers homeowners a reimbursement of up to 75% federal cost share for adding a prefabricated safe room to their property. The NEMA Hazard Mitigation Unit is available to help with the application and reimbursement process. Installation or purchase of a residential safe room cannot take place until application approval from FEMA.

Who May Apply?

  • The person applying must own the property where the safe room will be installed.
  • This program is only for single-family, duplex, townhouse homes, and mobile homes.
  • Safe rooms must meet or exceed the specifications set by the program.
  • Homeowners must pay for the total cost of the design and construction upfront. They will need to submit proof of payment and approve work completed, before being reimbursed for eligible expenses.

Next Steps

Complete a Notice of Interest, Residential Safe Room Notice of Interest. A completed Notice of Interest (NOI) does not guarantee funding or award. As funding becomes available participants will be selected in the order they are submitted. If you are not selected, your Notice of Interest will remain on file for future consideration.


Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants


Residential Safe Room Notice of Interest
“Taking Shelter from the Storm: Building or Installing a Safe Room for Your Home”

Hazard Mitigation Program Contact:

Chelsea Harris, State Hazard Mitigation Officer & Program Supervisor
Email: nema.hazardmitigation@nebraska.govNebraska Tornado