FEMA tracks the progress of standard, specialized, and management projects on a quarterly basis. The report collects basic project information such as expenditures to date, percent project is complete, projected, and actual work completion dates, and comments specific to that project. The preparation, dissemination, and collection of quarterly reports is the responsibility of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (grant recipient). Completion of the report by sub-recipients is a condition of grant compliance. The Public Assistance Unit (PA) reviews quarterly report information to better understand each sub-recipient’s closeout needs.
Deadlines for Submitting Quarterly Progress Reports

Completed Quarterly Reports can be emailed to the Public Assistance Unit at, mailed to 2433 N.W. 24th Street, Lincoln, NE 68524, or faxed at (402) 471-7433.
Watch the video below for a tutorial of how to complete a quarterly report.
Quarterly Report Examples - Slideshow