Long Term Recovery was added as a section at NEMA during 2019, housed under the Agency's Preparedness and Operations section, to meet the needs of the state following the largest disaster in Nebraska history. The need to work with local, state and federal agencies, as well as long term recovery and housing groups was evident following the extensive flooding that occurred across the state.
The unprecedented flooding of 2019 left homes, businesses, communities and lives forever changed. NEMA has been engaging partners and stakeholders at local, state, and federal levels since the beginning of the event to put wheels in motion toward a goal of full recovery for the state and all Nebraskans.
A major component of both current operations and future plans is the Governor’s Task Force for Disaster Recovery. Activated and mobilized in October at the direction of Gov. Pete Ricketts, the Task Force is a collection of federal and state agency representatives, and local community stakeholders, managed by NEMA, with six priorities: housing, infrastructure, agriculture, economics, health, social services and natural and cultural resources.
The governor’s task force has also given rise to additional groups and new initiatives, including a local impact team, whose primary objective is identifying and influencing the needs of people and families at the local level.
Additionally, NEMA and members of the governor’s task force are continuing to engage long term recovery groups and community assistance partners, assisting in their formation, troubleshooting issues, and offering any guidance that proves necessary to provide.