Coast Guard Cautions Public on Missouri River Due to Flooding

RELEASE DATE: Jun 25, 2024

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A Message from the Coast Guard Command Center:

In accordance with the Waterways Action Plan, all towboat vessels transiting the Missouri River between MM 630 and 734.8 are advised to favor the center of the channel and proceed at the slowest safe operating speed based upon prevailing conditions in order to minimize wake damage to personal property.

It is recommended that all vessels avoid laying up on levees, assess bridge clearances in advance, and exercise caution in meeting/passing situations. Mariners are requested to review anchoring requirements and pre-identify lay up areas in the event of a river closure or barge break away.

Mariners are encouraged to ensure that moored vessels and barges are adequately secured with the anticipation of increased velocity and high water. Recreational traffic is prohibited within the zone. Drift and debris may be a hazard to navigation and may drag buoys off station.

For questions or concerns, contact the Western Rivers Command Center at (314) 269-2332.