2021 Preparedness PSA Contest
RELEASE DATE: Oct 21, 2021
The Nebraska Association of Emergency Management, National Weather Service and Nebraska Emergency Management Agency announced the upcoming Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness/Preparedness Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contest as part of their National Preparedness Month activities during September.
The contest is designed to help promote preparedness for a variety of multimedia products from middle school students that promote preparedness, storm readiness, tornado safety, fire safety or other emergency topics.
The PSA contest is open to all seventh and eighth grade media classes in public and private schools and combined home school students. The infograms, short videos (3-5 minutes) and PSAs (30 sec. to 1 min.) should be on anything regarding preparedness including, home fire safety, home disaster preparedness (kits, plans, drills), safety tips for severe weather (tornadoes, severe winter weather, lightning, flooding).
The winning class infogram will receive $100, the winning class PSA will receive $250, and the winning class short video will receive $500. The prizes will be awarded to the teacher for use in the classroom. Contest rules and other information can be obtained at the Nebraska Association of Emergency Management website at www.naem.us.