Be informed. Make a Plan. Build a Kit. September is National Preparedness Month
RELEASE DATE: Sep 01, 2020
Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and local emergency managers across the state are urging Nebraskans to plan now for potential disasters.
“We want to urge all Nebraskans to make an emergency plan with their families during National Preparedness Month,” said NEMA Assistant Director Bryan Tuma. “Make your plan today, and be prepared to take care of yourselves for at least 72 hours after a disaster.”
Local officials and relief workers may not be able to help everyone immediately after a disaster so it is recommended that you have your own food, water and supplies and other essentials in the event of an emergency.
There are a variety of tools online which can make assembling your kit a fun family project. Check out the Family Disaster Preparedness Kit available on NEMA’s website for an easy to assemble list of items to include in your kit. Visit and click on the Are You Ready? information for even more information on preparedness.
Emergency Planning information for families, pet owners, senior citizen and people with functional needs, as well as, those who work in agriculture, business, health care facilities and schools, is available on the a site maintained by Nebraska local emergency managers.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency includes a wealth of preparedness information on its site including a family emergency plan to document important information needed in an emergency.
“The state’s local emergency managers, NEMA, other state agencies and nongovernmental organizations have plans to address a wide range of natural and man-made disasters, but individuals and families must make their own plans and be prepared to assume a role in personal health and safety emergency preparedness,” said Tuma. “Plans should include where to meet if a home is destroyed and include a list of important personal information, including medical information, for every family member. Our health, and the health of our loved ones, could very well depend on our kit and our plan if there is a major disaster.”
Emergency kits should include items such as:
Battery-powered or crank radio
Weather alert radio
Extra batteries
First aid kit
Sanitary wipes
Dust mask
Face masks
Water for drinking and sanitation
Water purification tablets
Waterproof matches and/or butane lighter
Crank flashlight
Plastic sheeting
Non-perishable food for at least three days
Disinfectants and medications
Medical information for entire family (include details about dosages of required medications and a list of known health issues)
Seasonal needs such as extra water for hydration and bug repellants in the summer and warm clothes and sleeping bags for winter months.
“Store your kit and support materials where you can find them easily and move them quickly,” Tuma said. “The best-supplied kit may not do any good if you can’t take it with you. Consider using a buddy system with nearby families, to help and support one another in the case of extreme emergencies. Tornadoes, floods and fires could affect Nebraskans with little or no notice. We all need to be prepared to take care of ourselves and those we care about until help can arrive. The best time to plan and assemble an emergency preparedness kit is right now.”
NEMA works to reduce the vulnerabilities of the people and communities of Nebraska from the damage, injury and loss of life and property resulting from natural, technological, or man-made disasters and emergencies.
Follow NEMA on Facebook at: and on Twitter at: preparedness tips throughout the month.
2020 National Preparedness Month “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.”
This year’s National Preparedness Month theme is “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.” We can all take action to prepare. This year’s themes focus on the NPM goal to increase the overall number of individuals, families, and communities that engage in preparedness actions at home, work, business, school, and places of worship.
2020 Weekly Themes
Week 1: September 1-5 Make a Plan
Week 2: September 6-12 Build a Kit
Week 3: September 13-19 Prepare for Disasters
Week 4: September 20-26 Teach Youth About Preparedness